How do I register?
Registration opens Wednesday morning, November 6, 2024 and ends on Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 4:00 PM. To register, you must be referred by a Vincentian or a case manager with Ireland Home Based Services (IHBS). Begin by calling our helpline at St. Vincent de Paul to request “Ton of Toys” participation for your children. (812) 425-3485. Or speak to your IHBS case manager.
May I register online or by email?
No. You must speak with a member of St. Vincent de Paul or your IHBS case manager.
Am I eligible to participate?
- Participants cannot be registered with another Christmas gift program.
- Only your children (or those legally under your care), 17 years and younger may be registered.
- You must be registered by the deadline (December 12, 2024) to participate. No walk-ins or late registrants will be allowed to participate.
- You must reside within Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick Counties, or the southern half of Gibson County.
- The typical method of ministry is through a visit with you at your residence. If not referred by your IHBS case worker, our Vincentians may schedule a home visit with you prior to the Christmas toy event.
- Only parents or legal guardians are allowed to participate and only for the children in their care.
When are the shopping days?
- Tuesday, December 17, 2024: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
- Wednesday, December 18, 2024: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Where is shopping located?
To minimize the incidents of unregistered walk-ins, we disclose the location by letter or email after registration.
What do I need to bring with me?
- The registrant’s photo ID (must match the name on the registration form).
- Some form of ID for each registered child. Examples of “some form of ID” include a birth certificate, state-issued ID card, insurance card, school report card, etc. We simply want something that shows your connection as the child’s parent or guardian. It does not have to be issued by the government.
Does it cost anything?
There is no cost to participate. If participants are able, they are invited to “pay it forward” with a small financial donation to help another family who may be in need of helping paying their rent or utilities this winter.
What will each child receive?
Gifts are donated by WIKY listeners and also purchased from their financial donations. The number of items is dependent upon the Tri-State’s generosity and support.
I can’t make it to the scheduled shopping days/times. What do I do?
- You may not send someone in your place to pick out gifts for your children without prior communication with St. Vincent de Paul. Email with your change request.
- No gifts will be delivered in person after the event.
Please direct any questions to or call 812-602-5182 during office hours, Monday – Friday from 8:30 – 5:00. Please DO NOT call the host location. They are not in charge of the program and do not have any information.