This is probably a question that you have asked yourself when cleaning out your closets. We have the answer! And, with the tremendous outpour of donations we are receiving in this hard time, it is more important than ever for us to be able to sort through these donations as quickly as possible to have new inventory on the shelves for our shoppers. We appreciate your support, but please be mindful of what donations are helpful and what should be thrown away or recycled.
Here’s Our Suggestion – Make three piles.
1.) Friends and Family.
If you have someone that you know who would be able to use it, give it to them.
2.) SVDP Thrift Store
If you won’t use it and you don’t know anyone else who would, BUT it’s in great, working condition, donate it to the SVDP Thrift Store.
3.) Recycle or Dumpster
If you wouldn’t give it to friends or family and if it is dirty, broken or doesn’t work, recycle or toss it.