Over seventy-five Vincentians and Daughters of Charity gathered for their annual Lenten retreat on Saturday, March 15 in the St. Vincent Conference Room at the Mater Dei Provincialate in Evansville. The speaker was Tim Williams, the Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, USA. Mr. Williams led the group through the essential principles of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, focusing on the interplay of friendship, service and spirituality. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Phillip Rogier, Associate Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul, and St. James Parishes in Haubstadt. Mr. Tom Scheller of the St. Matthew Conference in Mt. Vernon provided music for the Mass. Hospitality was provided by the Daughters of Charity. Lunch was catered by El Charro Mexican Restaurant on Evansville’s westside.
A group photo was taken after the last talk. Mr. Tim Williams, retreat speaker, is pictured kneeling in front of the group.
Dan Miller, District President, Sr. Doris Clippard, DC, District Spiritual Advisor, Mr. Tim Williams, and Joe Cook, Executive Director