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/Latest News/

Friends of the Poor Walk 2020 Summary

Dear Friends of the Poor, The Evansville District Council hosted the 13th annual Friends of the Poor Walk on September 26. The virtual nature of the walk brought many changes. Three locations were designated for walkers to bring donations and pick up tote bags complete with walk T-shirts, face masks, and items provided by Ascension [...]

2023-05-05T10:37:09-05:00 November 6th, 2020|FOP Walk|

Thrift Store Notice & Reminders

Our SVDP Thrift Store has a few major announcements for shoppers, volunteers, and supporters! First of all, as we continue to maneuver our way through these unprecedented times with donations at the thrift store, we have decided to extend the no drop off donations through August 2, 2020.  This is a difficult decision as we [...]

2020-08-21T11:24:12-05:00 July 16th, 2020|Conference News, Thrift Store|

Support a Coronavirus Response that Prioritizes Friends in Need

Here is a message from our National President which will have a major impact on the future for the clients we serve.  Please share this information with anyone that you think will help support this bill. Peace, Vicki Eichmiller SVDP Executive Director   Dear Vincentian Friends, I'm writing today to ask that you telephone your [...]

2020-03-17T14:53:45-05:00 March 17th, 2020|Conference News|

Food Pantry Procedure Starting March 17, 2020

To keep our Food Pantry volunteers and community safe, the precautions listed below will be taken. Procedure for getting food at SVDP Food Pantry – beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020 No food referrals will be issued directly from the SVDP Food Pantry. Instead all clients will have to call the Call Center -- (812-401-0606).  No [...]

2020-03-16T09:53:07-05:00 March 16th, 2020|Food Pantry|

Welcome Melissa

My name is Melissa Coleman, and I am blessed to be the new St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Manager.   I am extremely excited to be able to work with an exceptional group of employees and volunteers, who’s main focus is to provide assistance to the individuals and families experiencing homelessness and/or financial difficulties in [...]

2020-02-25T14:21:53-06:00 February 25th, 2020|Thrift Store|