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/Latest News/

Volunteer Now – Many Opportunities Available!

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities as we head into 2018? Come join us at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We have opportunities waiting for you and your group at the SVdP Thrift Store and Food pantry. To get started, please complete our Volunteer Form: Are you considering becoming an SVdP Member - a [...]

2018-01-11T18:18:39-06:00 December 28th, 2017|Food Pantry, Thrift Store, Volunteer News|

St. Ben’s Vincentians Do Their Part During the Holidays

The following are two submissions from the St. Ben's Conference sharing their outreach experiences during the holidays. Feeding the Hungry at Thanksgiving Recalling the Lord’s preferential option for the poor, St. Ben’s Vincentians gave thanks on Thanksgiving by seeing to the needs of the hungry poor: those within our midst, and beyond our Cathedral doors. [...]

2017-12-27T15:01:32-06:00 December 27th, 2017|Conference News|

Captain D’s Raffle To Support Food Pantry

Captain D's, located at 1200 Covert Avenue & Hwy 41, is selling raffle tickets for the over-sized stocking pictured.  All proceeds will benefit the SVdP Food Pantry! Tickets are $1 and can purchased at Captain D's through December 20, 2017.  The live drawing for the stocking will take place on December 21, 2017. In [...]

2017-12-12T22:46:16-06:00 December 12th, 2017|Food Pantry, Thrift Store, Volunteer News|

Wreaths Sold by Boy Scout Troop 399 Test Positive for Boxwood Blight

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was asked to assist in sharing the following information about mixed greenery  wreaths that have been purchased from Boy Scout Troop 399 at Sacred Heart Parrish on Evansville's West Side.  Please share this information with friends & family. ============================================================== TO: Purchasers of mixed greenery wreaths from Boy Scout [...]

2017-12-12T23:14:35-06:00 December 12th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Volunteers Help Thrift Store

The SVdP Thirft Store recently had a number of volunteers come to the Store to lend a helping hand! Gibson Southern - 35 students from the Student Government from Gibson Southern came on their day off school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to help us for several hours. St. John Daylight SVDP Conference - They came on Tuesday, November [...]

2017-12-03T22:15:28-06:00 December 3rd, 2017|Conference News, Thrift Store, Volunteer News|

SVdP Receives Grant From Evansville Endowment Fund

SVdP Executive Director Vicki Eichmiller (middle) receives the grant award with two City of Evansville Endowment Fund Board Members. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Evansville is pleased to announce we were selected as a grant recipient from the City of Evansville Endowment Fund.  The grant amount of $16,800 will [...]

2017-11-30T22:29:06-06:00 November 30th, 2017|Food Pantry|

Schnucks Hunger Bag – November Promotion

November 2017 - Support SVdP when you shop at Schnucks!!! For the entire month of September, when you pick up the Hunger Bag at the Schnucks located at 4500 W. Lloyd Expressway in Evansville, we receive $1! Help support the SVdP Food Pantry and purchase the Hunger Bag! Visit for details! Head to Schnucks on the West Side and [...]

2017-11-30T21:28:47-06:00 November 2nd, 2017|Conference News, Food Pantry|

St. Wendel Students Volunteer at the Thrift Store

St. Wendel Catholic School students recently spent time volunteering at the SVdP Thrift Store! They provided great assistance in sorting items, organizing, and generally being of assistance. THANK YOU for your service to SVdP and to those in need in our community! Want to learn how you and your group can get involved? At the [...]

2017-11-30T21:28:47-06:00 October 27th, 2017|Thrift Store, Volunteer News|

St. Ben’s Conference Lends Helping Hand

Last week, the broken American immigration system came to the door of the Parish Center at St. Benedict Cathedral. His name is “Ernesto” - a Mexican farm worker who went to New Jersey in search of the kind of work that American workers decline to perform.  When Ernesto arrived in New Jersey, he applied for [...]

2017-11-30T21:28:48-06:00 October 17th, 2017|Conference News|